Sunday, July 17, 2011


Well hi there! I have no idea how you found me, since I just opened this thing and haven't told a soul, so you must be stalking me. OK then.

So... what's the plan? Well, I sell guns for a living. I also target shoot and collect. Part of my job and my hobby is appraising, testing, and staring longingly at guns. Along the way I have picked up a modest amount of knowledge. I decided to open this page up to share what I have learned, and any new information I pick up along the way.

Basically, I want to do reviews, some tutorials, what's going on in gun politics, my personal opinions, and some thoughts. Anything I can think of that is gun related. Of course, I take requests. :)

My personal interests... I own a lot of modern firearms. Enough now that they are becoming belly buttons to me. My interest has turned to old military weapons. I have a very modest collection of them right now. This does not mean I won't do things here with modern firearms. On the contrary, I plan to do a lot.

My other interest is in pushing female shooters forward. I've been working in gun shops and teaching new shooters for several years now... almost six. I have found people are amazed when they find a woman who has some gun knowledge, and even more amazed to find a woman who shoots anything she can get her hands on. I'm not a small gun kind of gal. And my gun interests are non-characteristically female. You're not going to get a lot of reviews of small caliber weapons here. I have some, I won't lie. But I enjoy the ones that knock me off my stool the most. :) But I want to let women know that, yes, there are women in the shooting world. There's lots of us here, this isn't a guy sport anymore. And yes, even you can work a gun. I'll show you how. Stick with me.

I may eventually open a new YouTube channel and actually make gun videos. Not so much shooting... I don't have access to an outdoor range and I haven't determined what an indoor range will do to my camcorder's mic just yet. But I will do some videos on taking some guns down, etc. Without gun commentary. I know people want to see guns taken apart and don't want the review, too. I'll do reviews, but I promise to keep them separate from the tutorials. :)

So if you're here, let me know what you want to see here.

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